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Current Availability

We are currently only accepting jobs within 30 miles of our farm in Oak Hill, OH at this time.  We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.  

We do have several goats for sale that can help manage your property.  We sell all of our goats in bonded pairs. Several wethers (fixed males) are currently available for $300/pair. 



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Current Availability

We are currently only accepting jobs within 30 miles of our farm in Oak Hill, OH at this time.  We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.  

We do have several goats for sale that can help manage your property.  We sell all of our goats in bonded pairs. Several wethers (fixed males) are currently available for $300/pair. 

Current Availability

We are currently only accepting jobs within 30 miles of our farm in Oak Hill, OH at this time.  We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.  

We do have several goats for sale that can help manage your property.  We sell all of our goats in bonded pairs. Several wethers (fixed males) are currently available for $300/pair. 

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